GalaXseeds Remastered?

GalaXseeds Remastered is in the extremely early stages of development. A user managed to get the original game client hooked up to a very barebones server. This allows you to launch the game, log in to the server with a static user, walk around, and play a couple of the games.

In order for the game to be re-launched, there’s a few major hurdles:

1. The number one issue. We’re missing a TON of game files. The files we have were from Internet Explorer’s cache on an old hard drive (around 2007-2008). If you have an old computer from this timeframe that you’ve played GalaXseeds on, please reach out to me.

2. Rewrite or Remaster? There’s two ways we can go about getting GalaXseeds up and running again. Either we rewrite the server code and have players use the original Flash client to play, or we port the game to something like Unity. A rewrite would be significantly easier, but would prevent us from updating the game further. It would also require that we have all the game’s files, and that we modify each user’s hosts file to direct the old domains to the new gameserver. The downfall with a remaster is it takes a ton of expertise, and a ton of time (Looking at you Sitekick Remastered!).

3. Getting the word out. We really need to get the word out to people who played the game in the past. The more that the word spreads, the more likely we are to get people working on the project. If you know anyone who used to play, send them a link to our Discord:



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